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C O S M E T I C   D E N T I S T R Y

Are you happy with your smile?






Old silver fillings are often unpleasant to see when you smile.  You could join the many others having them restored with composite (white) fillings (from £90) to replace small silver fillings or composite inlays or white crowns (from £345) to replace larger silver fillings

For pictures of white fillings...    CLICK HERE





Porcelain veneers can also be used to give a whiter smile or can straighten slightly irregular teeth.  Veneers are like false finger nails specially bonded to the front teeth and give a beautiful smile following  just two visits to your dentist.  Prices from £395 per tooth.

For pictures of veneers...             CLICK HERE




Whiter teeth could be yours with a professional tooth bleaching kit.  Your dentist will take moulds of your teeth from which a bleaching tray will be made.  This is usually worn overnight for two  weeks to get teeth many shades whiter.

For pictures of tooth whitening...             CLICK HERE