Jeremy Doogan Dental Care, 8 Finaghy Rd South,
Belfast BT10 0DR. 02890613558
Denplan Care
There's no one better qualified to help you care for
your oral health than your dentist and dental team
with the support of Denplan Care. Denplan Care is
the UK's leading independent preventive dental care
programme. With Denplan Care your monthly
payments go to funding your regular appointments
at your dental practice as the fixed monthly sum
helps you budget for regular, affordable, preventive
dental care, without the fear of costly and
unexpected bills, including any treatment normally
carried out by a general dental practice, from the
dentist you know and trust.
At Doogan Dental we are focused on prevention and
have tailored our Denplan Care plans to include
three hygienist visits a year not just two like most
How does Denplan Care work?
After an initial assessment covering all aspects of
your overall oral health your dentist will establish
your monthly Denplan Care payment. This payment
is based on the condition of your teeth and gums.
There may be some initial work to be done,
following which you and your dentist are in contact
and can plan your ongoing routine preventive care.
The payment (based on the condition of your teeth
and gums) is paid to Denplan, normally via a
monthly direct debit, who pass the majority of your
payment direct to your dentist after debiting a small
amount for administration and your emergency
insurance cover. Once the assessment has taken
place and your preventive dental care programme
has been agreed you can look forward to enjoying
healthier teeth and gums, with all the confidence
this can bring.
Comprehensive Care
Your monthly payment entitles you to regular
consultations, advice and preventive care, plus all
the treatment normally carried out in general dental
practice. You also benefit from supplementary
insurance which covers you for dental accident and
emergency treatment, anywhere in the world. In
addition, the Denplan Care emergency Helpline
numbers, give you access to dental assistance
(where possible) in the event of an emergency
anywhere in the world. To find out more about the
benefits of preventive care, ask your dentist.
Denplan Excel Accreditation
Jeremy has been involved in the voluntary Denplan
accreditation scheme from its pilot in 1999.
Supported by the Patients’ Association, the Denplan
Excel Practice accreditation is a sign of commitment
to quality and proves that we have reached the
exacting standards set by the Denplan Excel
Not only does Excel Accreditation demonstrate that
the quality of care, treatment and service that we
provide is among the best available, but that you will
be safe in the knowledge that our practice not only
meets, but even exceeds standards of clinical
governance, statutory requirements and industry
best practice recommendations.
The Denplan Excel Accreditation Programme bases
its quality assurance on a consistent Statement of
Principles to which all accredited dentists are asked
to commit and regular independant external
Find out more about Denplan Excel Accredition
Jeremy Doogan
Tel: 028 90613558